After an incident involving a man named Yusuf, an enraged mob severely thrashed an unnamed police officer.
According to POLITICS NIGERIA, the event happened in the Ketu neighbourhood of Lagos State.
Law enforcement personnel, including the injured policeman, were allegedly involved in an attempt to seize control of Yusuf’s vehicle, according to eyewitnesses at the scene. When Yusuf was allegedly pushed into the path of an approaching BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) bus, the interaction went awry, leaving him critically injured and unconscious.
According to The Punch, one observer who wished to remain anonymous pointed the finger at the police officers, claiming that their actions directly contributed to Yusuf’s unpleasant situation.
She disclosed that while trying to free Yusuf from his car, the officers accidentally sent him onto the dangerous BRT route. As a result, Yusuf was struck by an approaching BRT bus.
Another bystander described how the officers hurriedly tried to escape after realising the consequences of their conduct. Upon noticing this, a furious mob grabbed the responsible officer and thrashed him until he was rendered unconscious.
This magazine learned that as the gathering grew, many tried to revive Yusuf by giving him water or using other methods to make him conscious again. In an effort to maintain peace and care for the injured officer, officers from the Ketu Divisional Police Station are also there.